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Home > Atlanta Medical Device Fraud Lawyer

Atlanta Medical Device Fraud Attorney

Medical devices play a central role in healthcare. Pacemakers, artificial hips, and surgical mesh are only some of the devices which have dramatically improved health outcomes and the lives of patients.

As with other aspects of the health care industry, however, medical device fraud is widespread. Device manufacturers, doctors, hospitals, and patients could all commit medical device fraud—and their illegal conduct costs the government millions of dollars each year.

At Stacey Evans Law, we specialize in health care fraud. If you have a question, please contact us today. You might be able to file a lawsuit and receive compensation for shining a light on fraudulent behavior.

Identifying Medical Device Fraud

Our lawyers are well versed in all the different types of fraud touching the medical device industry, including:

  • Off-label marketing. A manufacturer or doctor advertises a device for a purpose other than the one approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

  • Kickbacks. A manufacturer can’t offer money or other gifts to encourage medical providers to use their devices. It is also illegal to accept or solicit a kickback, so many providers are ensnared in fraud investigations.

  • Billing for a device that is not medically necessary. Some providers bill regardless of whether they even implanted a device in a patient.

  • Failure to report adverse events. This failure compromises patient safety, especially where the device is defective in design or manufacture.

  • Billing for more expensive devices than the ones used. This type of fraud results in higher reimbursements for the doctor.

This fraudulent activity costs government insurers, like Medicare or Medicaid, millions of dollars a year. Any submission of a false claim to a government health program can result in a lawsuit.

How to Respond to Fraud

As experienced Atlanta medical device fraud attorneys, we work closely with clients to understand their options. If they were defrauded, or if they possess information about the fraud, they can file a claim in court. Kickbacks, off-label marketing, and overuse of devices are all activities the government wants to know about.

If you blow the whistle, you could receive money in a settlement or lawsuit. This is not easy to do, so contact Stacey Evans Law today to speak with one of our lawyers.

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